really have ALOT of WEIRDO exist in this world..
not onli in facebook.
my camp also got 3~!!!
they really super duper WEIRD!!
hate them to the max!!
rude, annoying, no sense and ego!
i hope i can punch them, push them down the stairs &
throw them into the toilet bowl and flush them away!
back to the main people that i wanna say..
the weird facebookers..
they are so irritating!
they keep spam my home page..
what the hell!!!!!!!
u guys have nothing better to do izit?
join those meaningless competition..
example :
dancing queen & king???
what? i dont think this is a dancing competition..
is more to popularity competition..
if u are famous or have more friends then u are the winner..
woooow! so LAME!
and those participants that keep asking ppl to vote
for them are more lame...
spam everyone's profile..
please la.. do something more meaningful..
not wasting ur time doing all this stupid thing ok?
if u want join any internet competition
then join those really got company 1..
like clean & clear..
at least better..
not trying to help my sis..
but they really get in the final and go for screening..
if they win then get money..
not like the dancing queen and king competition & those
kononnya ratu cantik competitions la..
not pro in dancing and not good looking also can win..
secondly, the self-obsess fella..
they start creating their own fans club for themselve..
in their group they write
' this is not a FANS CLUB, is a FRIENDS CLUB..plz support yah :P '
hey donkey!
ur facebook account is not ur acc for adding and meeting new friends ar??
for what u want to make a 'FRIENDS CLUB'??
if ur admirer create for u then still ok la..
but this is not!
just trying to be famous so u make it..
thirdly, those couples..
can you all please stop telling the whole world how
much u all love ur partner??
is very annoying..
coz u all have spam my page again.
* eyeball rolling 360' *
i know u all love ur partner superb much..
just keep inside ur heart or tell it to him/her k?
i think ur partner will get it.. ;)
if post it once or twice in a month i still can accept..
but u all are posting more than 2 times a day!
my god.. -sigh-
beside, some ppl keep counting the day
how long they couple..
errr..i thought u be with him/her because both
of u love each other..
not how long u all had been 2gether..
lastly, some stupid people know they have
a good looking face..
but in their every picture
they keep say themselve look ugly..
then their friends will start comment
' aiya..where got ugly.. u very pretty/cute/sexy ma '
u think if u really look ugly u'll post it at facebook and
show to the whole world??!!!
please lah! dont be so fake and stupid!
even some of them make a 'im ugly' group
and they have invited me..
i will never join.
because i know im not ugly..
im just a normal looking girl..
no one is ugly..
unless u have a ugly heart..
all these im not talking about a specific 1..
but is about every weirdo who did that..
so if u are one of them..
then i apologize to u..
but this is my blog..
i will express what i think and feel..
dont get pissed-off or hate me because im saying the truth..
thanks me because i wake u guys up..
please behave like a normal 1..
thank you :P
btw. i haven't finish blogging about this topic..
i will update another soon!
they did alot of weird things..
1 post is not anough :P
see ya! :)