yesterday went for shopping at The Mines =)
just we 3.
Me, Sayean & Amanda
used 4 hours ++ to shop around...
i bought 2 shirt for myself =D
use my own $$ and buy...
quite emm seh dak.. xP
3 teddy chains for Chin Wee's nieces and nephew..
coz i have promised them =P
and the most worth thing that i bought is.........
ta daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~
im tooooo excited to watch this...
so i bought it earlier..
2 days before it release..wahahaa..
cant wait for it =D
after that we have our lunch at Garden Cafe i think..
the menu is exactly the same with Kopitiam at Metropoint..
so weird.. =/
left The Mines at 5something
then went to optic shop..
actually wanna buy contact lens.
my power of astigmatism increase again ='(
but short-sightenedness decrease...
i think i going to be blind soon..
my astig is 475/425
so need to chg my spec power..
it will be thicker..
and my eyes will be smaller and smaller...
hope when i smile it wont be one line =.=
monday will chg my power and buy contact lens guaaaaaa~
6months RM240..
my mum say buy for me.. +.+
P/S : i cannot always online like last time..
maybe 2 hours per day or not onlining..
for my eye sake..
i will just look at the green plants and stay away frm
the 'harmful things' >.<
-hope god save me from blindness-
2day wake up at 3pm..
hebat? lol
have my brunch at Jusco..
and buy some grocery..
show u something cute. =D
the sticker is the sample
cute rite????????
disney brand leh..
NOT pasar malam.. xD
actually mum bought it for me..
but my sis rampas with me.. T.T
i get the blue 1..
Sayie = Pink
Sayean = Yellow
when mummy buy, Sayean say waste money..
but then she want it also.. sweat.
-so evil.-
4.30pm go fetch Sayie back lo..
then i curi curi take pic of my mum =P
kie la..gtg..
pc is harmful for me..
byeee~ ='(
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