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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Wesak~ =)

YAY!!! after exam d...
but dunno wad to write bout wesak..
sudah lupa XDDD
just have some pic at here...
tat time really very enjoy wif my friends
Pei Chee, Ah Dung -Pei Chee's bro- and Sim =)
Ah Dung seriously very CUTE!!
so many bitches at there...
wearing white shirt and chasing after the car
to make themselve SUPERB WET
then some of the guys like JAKUN
pushing ppl run here and there...
they even shout like SAKAI..LOL~
this is my 1st experience went to Wesak..
x sangka got so many weirdo XDDD

Initial D LOL~
Jun Ying teach me to make a wish with the candle =) i did it..
hope my dreams will come true =D

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